Logística Miami Tecnología

10 razones por las que necesitas un TMS

10 razones por las que necesitas un TMS

Es común encontrar todavía pequeñas y medianas compañías que aún no utilizan un software para la gestión del transporte (TMS), a pesar de que en los últimos años, durante y después de la pandemia, la tecnología ha tenido una incursión en la vida laboral mayor a lo esperado.

Hoy en día se habla de metaverso, NFT’s, bitcoins y más recientemente, de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Por el lado de la logística, hace tiempo que se habla de los TMS, así como de vehículos eléctricos y machine learning en la gestión del almacenamiento.

Sin embargo, a pesar de las rápidas innovaciones que surgen en nuestra cotidianidad, muchas empresas aún manejan su logística con métodos tradicionales, los cuales generan lentitud y sobrecostos exagerados.

Si trabajas en operaciones para una de estas empresas, prepárate, porque las siguientes razones serán las mismas que podrán convencer a los directivos de adquirir un software de gestión del transporte.

1. Mayor eficacia

La principal función de un software de gestión del transporte es ayudar a agilizar este proceso, mediante la medición y georreferenciación. Siendo este el objetivo, es claro que habrá mayor control en el transporte, permitiendo a la empresa mover mercancías de forma más rápida y reducir los plazos de entrega.

2. Más visibilidad

Con un TMS como el que utiliza Quick en sus operaciones, las empresas pueden realizar un seguimiento de los envíos en tiempo real. Esto significa que pueden ver dónde se encuentran sus envíos en cualquier momento y recibir alertas si hay retrasos.

3. Lo más importante de un TMS, la reducción de costos

La optimización de los envíos conlleva una reducción de los costes de transporte. Esto puede ser especialmente beneficioso para una empresa en la industria alimenticia o farmacéutica, que necesita transportar mercancías con regularidad.

4. Aumento de la seguridad

La seguridad es un plus grandísimo que brinda un TMS, ya que permite realiza un seguimiento a los envíos y garantizar que durante todo el proceso de transporte y al llegar a su destino estarán en perfecto estado. En zonas difíciles puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo de robo y daños a las mercancías.

5. Satisfacción al cliente

Los anteriores beneficios son un claro método para mejorar la satisfacción del cliente y fidelizarlo. Además, si adquieres un TMS como SmartQuick, la tecnología desarrollada por Quick, podrás proporcionar información precisa y oportuna de los envíos a tus clientes.

6. Mejor gestión del inventario

Si bien los software de gestión de transporte no están directamente relacionados con la gestión de almacenamiento, pueden ayudar a manejar mucho mejor el inventario, proporcionando información en tiempo real de los productos en stock, enviados y entregados.

7. Cumplimiento de la normativa

Un punto muchas veces olvidado al momento de adquirir un software de gestión del transporte es la normatividad, no obstante, es tan importante como las anteriores razones. Con un TMS es fácil cumplir con todas las regulaciones de transporte, incluidas las relacionadas con la seguridad, calidad y mejora continua.

8. Incremento de la productividad

Al automatizar las tareas operativas relacionadas con la organización de pedidos, un TMS se convierte en una gran opción para una empresa que busca aumentar la productividad, reducir la carga de trabajo de su personal y al mismo tiempo, mantener la inversión actual.

9. Cambio del proceso de toma de decisiones

Con un TMS como SmartQuick puedes acceder a datos en tiempo real y conocer ubicación, tiempo estimado de entrega, ruta y más información. Además, este TMS en particular, cuenta con un tablero para realizar mediciones de la operación 24/7, lo que indudablemente ayudará a los directivos a tomar mejores decisiones sobre las rutas, los transportistas y los métodos de transporte.

10. Escalabilidad

Todos los software de gestión de transporte son escalables y pueden mejorar al tiempo con la empresa. A medida que aumentan sus necesidades de transporte, el software puede adaptarse para satisfacerlas, proporcionando una solución a largo plazo para las necesidades de cualquier tipo de empresa, no importa el sector, el tamaño ni la trayectoria de la misma.

Un TMS puede proporcionar una amplia gama de beneficios para cualquier empresa que realice envíos. Por tanto, ya sea que trabajes para una startup o una compañía de 100 trabajadores, esta tecnología te ayudará a potenciar el trabajo.

Tipos de logística en Miami y aprovisionamiento
Logística Miami

What is FCL (Full Container Load)?

what is FCL

In the ever-expanding global market, efficient shipping solutions have become indispensable for companies seeking to streamline their supply chains. Among the various options available, Full Container Load (FCL) shipping stands out as a reliable choice for many businesses.

In this article, we’ll explore its key features, advantages, differences from Less than Container Load (LCL) shipping, and how companies can leverage it for their benefit.


Before we dive deeper into our principal matter, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental difference between FCL and LCL shipping.

FCL, or Full Container Load, refers to a shipment method where a single customer books an entire shipping container, typically either a 20-foot or 40-foot container, depending on their cargo volume. This method is favored when a company’s cargo is substantial enough to fill a container efficiently.

On the other hand, LCL, or Less than Container Load, involves combining cargo from multiple shippers into a single container. LCL is the preferred choice when a company’s cargo volume doesn’t justify booking an entire container, and it aims to share container space with other shippers.

Advantages of FCL shipping

  • Cargo safety and security: one of the most significant advantages is the enhanced security and safety of your cargo. Since the container is sealed at the point of origin and opened only at the destination, the risk of tampering, damage, or loss during transit is minimized.
  • Efficient handling: these shipments are more straightforward to manage because they involve a single shipper and consignee. This leads to quicker loading and unloading times, reducing the chances of delays in your supply chain.
  • Cost efficiency: while FCL shipping might seem costlier than LCL at first glance, it often turns out to be more cost-effective for substantial cargo volumes. You pay for the entire container space, but the per-unit cost for shipping large quantities tends to be lower than that of LCL shipments.
  • Versatile packing: this allows you to load and pack your goods more flexibly. You have control over how your cargo is packed and arranged within the container, optimizing space and minimizing the risk of damage.
  • Faster transit times: in many cases, FCL shipments experience shorter transit times compared to LCL shipments because they don’t involve the time-consuming process of consolidating cargo from multiple shippers.

Who it benefits?

FCL shipping can be a game-changer for various types of businesses:

  • Manufacturers and exporters: manufacturers and exporters shipping large quantities of goods, such as machinery, electronics, or textiles, benefit from the security, cost-efficiency, and reliability of FCL.
  • Importers: importers who frequently receive large shipments can optimize their supply chains by using FCL shipping, ensuring the timely delivery of products to their warehouses.
  • Retailers and distributors: retailers and distributors that maintain substantial inventories often restock their shelves efficiently.
  • E-commerce companies: e-commerce businesses dealing with bulk products or large-scale imports can streamline their operations with FCL shipping, reducing lead times and ensuring product availability.


To illustrate the real-world impact of FCL shipping, let’s look at a couple of examples:

  • XYZ Electronics, a multinational electronics manufacturer, was facing significant delays and product damage issues with their LCL shipments. They decided to switch to FCL for their high-value electronic components. By doing so, they not only reduced transit times but also eliminated product damage during transit. This shift improved their overall supply chain efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • ABC Retailers, a chain of home improvement stores, heavily relies on seasonal products. To ensure timely availability of products during peak seasons, they opted for FCL shipping for their larger product categories. This allowed them to restock their stores quickly, meet customer demands, and maximize sales during crucial periods.

In the realm of international shipping, Full Container Load stands tall as a dependable choice for businesses dealing with substantial cargo volumes. Its advantages, including cargo safety, efficient handling, cost efficiency, versatile packing, and faster transit times, make it an excellent option for manufacturers, importers, retailers, and e-commerce companies.

For those considering it as their preferred shipping method, partnering with a trusted logistics provider is key. Quick, known for its expertise in neutral shipping, offers comprehensive solutions to streamline your cargo’s journey.

With us, you not only gain access to the advantages maritime transportation but also benefit from a team of logistics experts dedicated to ensuring your cargo reaches its destination securely and efficiently.

By understanding the benefits of FCL and examining real-life success stories, businesses can harness the potential of this shipping method to optimize their supply chain and enjoy a seamless shipping experience with Quick.

Incoterms y FCL
Inland freight Logística Miami

Drayage in Miami and how does it work

drayage in miami

The world of logistics is vast and complex, but there is one fundamental concept that must be understood and that is drayage in Miami. It sounds technical, but we’ll break it down here so everyone can understand it.

Drayage plays a vital role in the movement of goods, especially in port cities like Miami, where logistics is a fast-paced activity. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey through drayage in Miami, from the basics to its impact on the local economy.

What is drayage?

This concept revolves around the idea of local transportation of goods. In simple terms, it is the process of moving short-haul cargo, usually from a port to its final destination, which could be a warehouse, distribution center or even a retail store. Think of it as the last link in the logistics chain.

How does drayage work in Miami?

If you’ve seen the Port of Miami, you know it’s a beehive of activity. Huge ships come in loaded with containers full of goods from all over the world. But how does all that get to its final destination in the city or beyond?

This is where drayage comes in. Let’s say you have a store in Miami and you’ve ordered products that arrive on a ship. Once those giant containers arrive at the port, someone has to get them from there to your store. That “someone” is the drayage.

The drayage process in Miami is fairly simple in theory, although it involves precise coordination.

When a ship arrives at the port of Miami, containers are unloaded. These containers are then loaded onto smaller trucks. These trucks are the ones that carry your goods from the port to where you need them. It’s like a relay game, where the local trucks pick up the baton from the international ships and take the cargo to the finish line, which is its final destination.

Why is it necessary to have a reliable freight forwarder?

Arguably, the drayage process in Miami is much more essential than in any other city, due to its strategic geographical position and its key role in international trade.

Over the years, Miami has become a major global transportation and trade hub. And its port is one of the busiest in the United States and Latin America. In addition, its proximity to South America and the Caribbean makes it a crucial entry and exit point for international trade. 

In this context, having an agile freight forwarder providing drayage service in Miami becomes essential to streamline the logistics of transporting goods to and from the port, airports and other key locations.

Within the supply chain, Quick plays a crucial role, with 30 years of experience in the logistics industry thanks to the acquisition of Blue Jay, Quick is positioned to address the specific challenges of drayage in Miami.

The company has an experienced team and a large fleet of vehicles suitable for short-haul transportation. In addition, its extensive knowledge demonstrates that it can provide efficient service, which translates into faster deliveries and reduced costs for customers.

Advantages of drayage in Miami

Once you have found a reliable freight forwarder that provides an excellent drayage service in Miami, you will see that the whole supply chain will present favorable changes such as:

  • Speed: by using drayage, goods can move quickly through Miami. This is essential to keep the supply chain efficient.
  • Efficiency: drayage reduces the need to store large quantities of goods at the port, which saves time and resources.
  • Sustainability: less congestion at the port translates into less carbon emissions. This is important for sustainability and the environment.

Drayage in Miami may seem like a technical concept, but it is the engine behind efficient logistics in the city. Thanks to it, your products can move quickly from the port to their final destination, which keeps your business moving.

At Quick, we’re here to make this happen efficiently and smoothly. Now that you understand how drayage in Miami works, you can appreciate its importance in our local economy and in international trade – trust us to get your cargo to its destination safely and in a timely manner!

drayage and distribution
Logística Miami Transporte

Why is it necessary to have a TWIC card to transport goods in the MIA?

Twic card

In the complex world of logistics, efficiency and safety are critical to the transportation of goods. To operate within Miami International Airport, one of the main cargo terminals in the United States, it is necessary to obtain a Twic Card (Transportation Worker Identification Card).

In this article, we will explain the importance of hiring a certified logistics operator with the TWIC card and how not having it, affects the transportation of goods at the airport.

What is the TWIC Card, and why is it necessary?

It is an identification issued by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) that certifies transportation workers and service providers as trustworthy and compliant with security requirements to access restricted areas within the airport. The Twic card is essential for those who perform functions related to the transportation of goods and allows for safe and smooth operation in the airport environment.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

The TSA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that is responsible for transportation security, including air, ground and maritime transportation. Its mission is to protect travelers and transportation from any security threat, and to achieve this, it establishes rigorous standards and procedures that apply to both, passengers and cargo.

Impact on the transportation of goods at Miami Airport

A logistics operator’s Twic card ensures a high level of security and protection for the contracting companies. The identification ensures that carriers are properly trained and authorized to access restricted areas where valuable and sensitive goods are handled and stored.

In addition, by having the Twic Card, logistics companies can operate with greater agility and efficiency at the airport, reducing processing time and facilitating the timely delivery of goods. This is especially relevant in transportation logistics, where every minute counts and timeliness is essential to meet customer needs.

As an expert transportation company within the Miami airport, Quick is proud to be certified with the Twic Card and comply with all TSA security requirements. Our commitment to efficiency and security, allows us to provide exceptional logistics services at the Miami Airport. So if you are looking for a reliable partner for transportation within the airport, we are your best choice!

Tipos de vehículos en logistics
Logística Miami Transporte

What is transloading in Miami?

transloading in miami

Transloading refers to the process of transferring goods or cargo from one mode of transportation to another, without the need of long-term storage at the transloading facility.

It involves moving goods from one transportation mode, such as a ship or train, to another, such as a truck, to reach their final destination efficiently. Transloading can be a cost-effective solution for optimizing freight transportation and logistics, especially when a direct route is not available or feasible.

Thanks to our team, you can do the transloading process in Miami efficiently, because we facilitate the movement of goods between different transportation modes. Here’s how the process typically unfolds in 5 steps:

1. Arrival at port

Goods arrive at the Port of Miami via ocean. These goods may be in containers or bulk shipments, destined for various locations within Florida or beyond.

2. Unloading and inspection

The cargo is unloaded from the ships. If the goods arrive in containers, they are carefully inspected to ensure they meet safety and regulatory standards. Any necessary documentation and customs clearance procedures are also carried out at this stage.

3. Transfer to transloading facility

After inspection and necessary paperwork, the goods are transferred from the port to a transloading facility. Quick has a warehouse strategically located near major transportation hubs to optimize efficiency. 30 minutes away of the Port of Miami.

4. Transloading Process

At the transloading facility, the cargo is transferred from its original shipping container to a different mode of transportation, typically trucks. If the goods were in bulk, they might be loaded into appropriate shipping containers for road transportation. If you are looking for a logistics partner, Quick has dedicated trucks to take your goods anywhere in the United States.

5. Dispatch to Final Destination

Finally, and once the goods are loaded onto trucks, they are dispatched to their final destination. Trucks transport the cargo to various locations within Miami, other parts of Florida, or even to neighboring states. This final step completes the transloading process, ensuring efficient and smooth delivery of goods to their intended recipients.

Transloading plays a vital role in optimizing logistics and supply chain management in Miami, and Quick has the best team specialized in drayage. Let’s work together!

Tipos de vehículos en logistics
Distribución Logística Miami Transporte

Types of vehicles in logistics

Types of vehicles in logistics

In Miami, as in other trade centers where imports and exports to other countries are handled, there is a multiplicity of logistics services; this is why interstate transportation and distribution has vehicles for all needs. In the following article we will see what they are, their characteristics and advantages, so you can choose the one that will optimize your logistics.

Dedicated vehicles in logistics

Dry freight trucks

This type of trucks have different capacities and are used to deliver packages and goods in urban and suburban areas. They are especially useful for first-mile distribution, as they can access narrow streets and facilitate delivery to distribution centers.

Dry freight trucks are highly versatile and can transport a wide variety of goods, from boxed products and pallets to bulk materials. These types of vehicles have excellent protection against inclement weather, as well as excellent door and lock security.

Finally, these types of trucks usually have a high load capacity compared to other vehicles, allowing them to transport large volumes of goods.

Refrigerated cargo trucks

Refrigerated cargo trucks, also known as refrigerated trucks or refrigerated trucks, offer a number of significant advantages in the transportation of temperature-sensitive goods, as they are equipped with refrigeration systems, which make them capable of maintaining the cold chain.

By maintaining a constant and controlled temperature, refrigerated trucks ensure that temperature-sensitive products retain their freshness, flavor, nutritional value and visual appearance during transport. This is especially important over long distances or in hot climates where high temperatures can adversely affect products.

Refrigerated trucks also enable the distribution of perishable products over long distances, even across international borders. This expands marketing possibilities and the ability to reach different markets.

Full truck load (FTL) tractor trailers

These vehicles are used to transport large loads over long-distance highways. Since they are dedicated to full truckload transport (FTL), they occupy the full capacity of the trailer and offer improved cost efficiency.

With this type of vehicle, the cost of transportation can be spread over a larger quantity of products, resulting in a lower cost per unit load compared to LTL (less-than-truckload).

FTL trucks offer faster transit times than ocean or rail. In addition, being a direct service, the truck can go directly from the loading location to the unloading location without having to make intermediate stops to load or unload other goods.

Less than truckload (LTL) trucks

LTL trucks allow the cost of the truck and trip to be shared among multiple loads from different customers. This can result in a lower cost compared to full truckload (FTL) trucking where the entire trailer is occupied. 

These types of trucks also allow shippers to ship smaller loads without having to hire a full truck. This provides flexibility in terms of capacity, while increasing the frequency of pickup and delivery, and decreasing the risk of wasted space.

Finally, LTL trucks can reach more remote or less accessible areas compared to FTL transportation, because multiple loads from different shippers and receivers are combined, LTL carriers can deliver to more remote and less densely populated locations.

Dry van

Dry van containers attach to tractor-trailers and can be used for a wide variety of cargoes, as they are airtight. In addition, they generally range in size from 6 to 12 meters.

Like trucks and vans for dry cargo, dry vans are extremely versatile and can transport boxed goods, pallets, bulk materials, packaged goods, textiles, household appliances and more. Their protection against rain, dust and dirt also makes them one of the most used options by carriers.

Dry vans are the most common trailers, which means that there are many of them in circulation and a wide range of transportation services using this type of vehicles, which ultimately facilitates their hiring and availability.

At Quick we have a large and varied fleet of vehicles for distribution and transportation from Miami. Now that you know what type of vehicle suits your merchandise, it is time to choose the fastest logistics partner in the United States, choose Quick.

Tipos de vehículos en logística

En Miami, como en otros centros de comercio donde se manejan importaciones y exportaciones a otros países, existen multiplicidad de servicios logísticos; es por esto que el transporte interestatal y la distribución cuenta con vehículos para todas las necesidades. En el siguiente artículo veremos cuáles son, sus características y ventajas, para que puedas elegir el que más optimizará tu logística.

Vehículos dedicados

Camiones para carga seca

In Miami, as in other trade centers where imports and exports to other countries are handled, there is a multiplicity of logistics services; this is why interstate transportation and distribution has vehicles for all needs. In the following article we will see what they are, their characteristics and advantages, so you can choose the one that will optimize your logistics.

Dedicated vehicles in logistics

Dry freight trucks

This type of trucks have different capacities and are used to deliver packages and goods in urban and suburban areas. They are especially useful for first-mile distribution, as they can access narrow streets and facilitate delivery to distribution centers.

Dry freight trucks are highly versatile and can transport a wide variety of goods, from boxed products and pallets to bulk materials. These types of vehicles have excellent protection against inclement weather, as well as excellent door and lock security.

Finally, these types of trucks usually have a high load capacity compared to other vehicles, allowing them to transport large volumes of goods.

Refrigerated cargo trucks

Refrigerated cargo trucks, also known as refrigerated trucks or refrigerated trucks, offer a number of significant advantages in the transportation of temperature-sensitive goods, as they are equipped with refrigeration systems, which make them capable of maintaining the cold chain.

By maintaining a constant and controlled temperature, refrigerated trucks ensure that temperature-sensitive products retain their freshness, flavor, nutritional value and visual appearance during transport. This is especially important over long distances or in hot climates where high temperatures can adversely affect products.

Refrigerated trucks also enable the distribution of perishable products over long distances, even across international borders. This expands marketing possibilities and the ability to reach different markets.

Full truck load (FTL) tractor trailers

These vehicles are used to transport large loads over long-distance highways. Since they are dedicated to full truckload transport (FTL), they occupy the full capacity of the trailer and offer improved cost efficiency.

With this type of vehicle, the cost of transportation can be spread over a larger quantity of products, resulting in a lower cost per unit load compared to LTL (less-than-truckload).

FTL trucks offer faster transit times than ocean or rail. In addition, being a direct service, the truck can go directly from the loading location to the unloading location without having to make intermediate stops to load or unload other goods.

Less than truckload (LTL) trucks

LTL trucks allow the cost of the truck and trip to be shared among multiple loads from different customers. This can result in a lower cost compared to full truckload (FTL) trucking where the entire trailer is occupied. 

These types of trucks also allow shippers to ship smaller loads without having to hire a full truck. This provides flexibility in terms of capacity, while increasing the frequency of pickup and delivery, and decreasing the risk of wasted space.

Finally, LTL trucks can reach more remote or less accessible areas compared to FTL transportation, because multiple loads from different shippers and receivers are combined, LTL carriers can deliver to more remote and less densely populated locations.

Dry van

Dry van containers attach to tractor-trailers and can be used for a wide variety of cargoes, as they are airtight. In addition, they generally range in size from 6 to 12 meters.

Like trucks and vans for dry cargo, dry vans are extremely versatile and can transport boxed goods, pallets, bulk materials, packaged goods, textiles, household appliances and more. Their protection against rain, dust and dirt also makes them one of the most used options by carriers.

Dry vans are the most common trailers, which means that there are many of them in circulation and a wide range of transportation services using this type of vehicles, which ultimately facilitates their hiring and availability.

At Quick we have a large and varied fleet of vehicles for distribution and transportation from Miami. Now that you know what type of vehicle suits your merchandise, it is time to choose the fastest logistics partner in the United States, choose Quick.

Tipos de vehículos en logistics
Logística Miami

Types of logistic in Miami

Types of logistic in Miami

Miami is a city with an important port and a strategic location for international trade, where you can find different types of logistic. In this article we will tell you what they are, read on.

It is known as “the gateway to the Americas”, as it has established itself as an important port and logistics hub in the region. It has ideal characteristics that led it to take this position, such as:

  1. Being located on the east coast of the United States, on the trade routes of North America, Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe. In addition to having access to the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.
  2. Having the busiest port in the United States and being the main cruise port in the world, where it has a specialized infrastructure to carry out a wide network of transportation and logistics services that we will talk about later.
  3. Having an international airport that acts as one of the main entry points for air cargo on the continent. MIA (Miami International Airport) has direct flights from more than 160 destinations worldwide.
  4. Being an international business and trade center. The city hosts multiple trade fairs, conferences and events related to trade and logistics, which attract hundreds of companies that drive the growth of the region.

Thanks to all this development, Miami is home to a variety of logistics processes. Likewise, in the City of the Sun, there are also several operators who offer specialized logistics services to companies. However, it is necessary to know what conditions must be met in order to choose the best one.

Types of logistic

International transport

As we have seen, Miami is an important logistics hub with a port and an international airport where the most important commercial operations in the region take place. Therefore, having a good logistics for international transportation is essential for the management of sea, air and land cargo.

If you want to quote these services for your company, the best option is to count on a freight forwarder like Quick, which performs neutral airfreight operations with the best cargo airlines, as well as FCL and LCL services with the most reliable shipping companies in the industry.

Inland freight

Miami has an extensive network of highways and railroads that connect it with other cities and neighboring countries. This allows for a smooth distribution process. But it is not the only reason why some companies differentiate themselves from their competition when it comes to delivering their products to satisfied customers, having a logistics partner that can provide this service will make a big difference.

Quick moves goods locally and interstate and to specific points across the country from Miami, and also transports ocean containers to U.S. ports.

Last mile distribution

Pick-up processes are also important aspects of logistics in Miami. Companies may require pick-up and delivery services to receive, sort and process products locally.

In this regard, it is again necessary to have a strategic partner with a large fleet of vehicles, of all sizes, to transport the variety of cargo coming into the MIA and the Port of Miami.

Quick has full time dedicated trucks for distribution according to the logistic needs of each company, transports to specific points from warehouse to stores or points of sale and moves import and export cargo between airlines (TSA & BONDED), airports and warehouses.


Given the large volume of trade that passes through Miami, there is a significant demand for warehousing and inventory management services. For logistical ease, those spaces must be close to the cargo arrival points: the Miami airport and port.

If you are interested in this service, Quick has a hub strategically located 30 minutes from the port and 15 minutes from the international airport. This warehouse also has ample storage capacity, as it has 66,000 m² and 25 doors.

Miami has established itself as the most important logistics hub in the Americas, thanks to its strategic location, first class infrastructure and international trade connections. The sum of these factors has contributed to the development of various types of logistics, which companies can take advantage of if they have a logistics operator with comprehensive solutions, which in addition to experience guarantees the optimization of processes.

With all this, Miami becomes an incredible destination for logistics. What are you waiting for to discover all its potential with Quick?

Tipos de logística en Miami
Logística Miami

All about FTL and LTL

All about FTL and LTL

If you are just getting into the world of logistics, or if you have been here for a while, but have some doubts about the concepts, this article is for you.

The first thing you should know is that FTL, or Full Truckload, refers to shipping a full truckload that takes up all the space in a truck, while LTL, or Less Than Truckload, refers to shipping smaller shipments that do not fill all the space in a truck.

Both options have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the needs and budget of the shipping company. That’s why in this article, we’ll quickly explore the differences between FTL and LTL, their benefits and how to choose the right option for your company.


  • Features

As we have already seen, the term FTL refers to the shipment of a cargo that occupies all the available space on a truck, either by weight or by volume.

In other words, the cargo fills the truck completely and is transported directly from the place of origin to the final destination, without intermediate stops for loading or unloading other shipments.

  • Advantages

  1. Because there are no intermediate stops to load or unload other shipments, FTL can reach its final destination more than LTL.
  2. Since the cargo is not shared with other shipments, there is less chance of damage or theft.
  3. FTL freight is better suited to the specific needs of both the sending and receiving company.
  4. There is greater capacity to transport larger and heavier loads.
  • Do I need FTL?

Now that you know the advantages of this type of freight, you just need to decide if it is the right option for your company. FTL is a popular choice for companies that have large quantities of goods to transport or for those that need urgent, direct shipments.

You can choose FTL if:

  • You need to ship more than 12 pallets at a time.
  • Your goods are fragile
  • When your delivery times must be precise
  • When the delivery date is urgent


  • Features

Now, LTL is used to denote the shipment of a load that does not fill all available space on a truck, meaning that the shipment is shared with other shipments on the same vehicle.

Each LTL shipment is identified with a unique tracking number and is loaded and unloaded several times during transport, which means that there may be intermediate stops before reaching the final destination.

  • Advantages

  1. LTL shipments are more economical than FTL because the cost is shared among several shipments.
  2. For smaller loads that do not require the use of a full truckload, LTL shipping is more space efficient.
  3. With more scheduling and routing options, LTL allows for greater flexibility in scheduling shipments.
  4. By sharing transportation space with others, LTL shipping can be more environmentally friendly and sustainable.
  • Do I need LTL?

LTL shipping is a frequent choice for companies that have smaller loads, as they need to save, since they can share the cost of transportation with others.

You can choose LTL if:

  • You need to ship fewer than 12 pallets
  • Your goods are not fragile
  • There is flexibility in delivery times
  • You need to save costs

10 reasons why you need a TMS

10 reasons why you need a TMS

Es común encontrar todavía pequeñas y medianas empresas que aún no utilizan software de gestión de transporte (TMS), a pesar de que en los últimos años, durante y después de la pandemia, la tecnología ha tenido una incursión mayor a la esperada en la vida laboral.

Hoy hablamos de metaverso, NFT’s, bitcoins y más recientemente, Inteligencia Artificial (IA). En el lado de la logística, se ha hablado durante mucho tiempo de TMS, así como de vehículos eléctricos y aprendizaje automático en la gestión de almacenes.

Sin embargo, a pesar de las rápidas innovaciones que surgen en nuestra vida cotidiana, muchas empresas aún manejan su logística con métodos tradicionales, lo que genera lentitud y sobrecostos exagerados.

If you work in operations for one of these companies, get ready, because the following reasons will be the same ones that may persuade managers to purchase a Transportation Management Software.

1. Increased efficiency

The main function of a transport management software is to help streamline this process, through measurement and georeferencing. This being the objective, it is clear that there will be greater control in transportation, allowing the company to move goods faster and reduce delivery times.

2. More visibility

With a TMS like the one Quick uses in its operations, companies can track shipments in real time. This means they can see where their shipments are at any time and receive alerts if there are delays.

3. The most important about a TMS, the cost reduction

The optimization of shipments leads to a reduction in transportation costs. This can be especially beneficial for a company in the food or pharmaceutical industry, which needs to transport goods on a regular basis.

4. Increased security

Security is a huge plus with a TMS, as it allows you to track shipments and ensure that they are in perfect condition throughout the transportation process and upon arrival at their destination. In difficult areas, it can help reduce the risk of theft and damage to goods.

5. Customer satisfaction

The above benefits are a clear method to improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, if you acquire a TMS such as SmartQuick, the technology developed by Quick, you will be able to provide accurate and timely shipment information to your customers.

6. Better inventory management

While transportation management software is not directly related to warehouse management, it can help manage inventory much better by providing real-time information on products in stock, shipped and delivered.

7. Regulatory compliance

A point often overlooked when purchasing a transportation management software is regulatory compliance, yet it is just as important as the above reasons. With a TMS it is easy to comply with all transportation regulations, including those related to safety, quality and continuous improvement.

8. Increased productivity

By automating operational tasks related to order organization, a TMS becomes a great option for a company looking to increase productivity, reduce the workload of its staff and, at the same time, maintain the current investment.

9. Changing the decision-making process

With a TMS like SmartQuick you can access real-time data and known location, estimated delivery time, route and more information. In addition, this particular TMS has a dashboard for 24/7 operation metrics, which will undoubtedly help managers make better decisions about routes, carriers and transportation methods.

10. Scalability

All transportation management software is scalable and can improve over time with the business. As your transportation needs to grow, the software can adapt to meet them, providing a long-term solution for the needs of any type of company, no matter the industry, size or experience.

Un TMS puede proporcionar una amplia gama de beneficios para cualquier empresa que realice envíos. Entonces, ya sea que trabaje para una empresa nueva o para una empresa de 100 empleados, esta tecnología lo ayudará a hacer el trabajo.